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Methods of protection

Published 19 January 2014

Methods of protection

The term itself has its roots in Latin and the direct translation of the word means - against conception. Today, contraception is defined as the prevention of unwanted pregnancy at a particular time, for which many different means and methods are used. They can be mechanical, chemical, physical and others. There are also male and female contraception.

The simplest and also effective method of preventing conception is to prevent sperm from entering the female vagina. This is accomplished in a number of ways, most notably by interrupting sex (ejaculation occurs after intercourse or not at all). But this method is the most ineffective of all available, and it should be used in combination with any other.

The same principle has a barrier type of protection. It can be a cervical cap, condoms (male and female), or a vaginal diaphragm. The diaphragm is made of very thin latex, it contains a ring of rubber, which provides a tight pressure on the walls inside the vagina.

The neck cap is selected so that it tightly encircles the uterine cervix. It is not recommended to choose it yourself, it is better to consult an experienced gynecologist.

Female condoms are made of polyurethane. They differ from male condoms in that they have 2 rigid rings, tightly fixed inside the vagina. Male condoms are not worth introducing, they are known to each of you. They are the most popular contraceptive for casual liaisons or couples who are not planning to conceive. With proper storage and use of such a condom, the effect of contraception reaches 97 percent

An additional method of protection from pregnancy during sex is the local introduction of a means that has a toxic effect on sperm. These are a variety of creams, foams, gels, suppositories, alenqi, pills and even sponges. They are best used along with a diaphragm or condoms.

The most relevant remedies for women are oral hormone medications. They suppress ovulation and change the nature of the cervical mucus - increasing its viscosity. This prevents the egg from attaching to the endometrium.

A higher effect is achieved by subcutaneous implantation of special preparations. They contain hormones that are gradually released into the body. This can be Norplant, medroxyprogesterone and other preparations that ensure that the right substances get into the bloodstream over time.

And the most radical method is, of course, sterilization surgery, which some women and men dare to do. Now try to control yourself and not laugh, because some people use lemon slices, pomegranate rinds, aspirin, cola, tampons, laundry soap, or manganese as contraceptives. This is of course ridiculous, and the effectiveness of such methods is not proven by anyone. But it has long been known that such remedies disrupt the vaginal microflora!

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